My ADD STORY by J'aime Davy The following story is my ADD experience, I am sharing it you, my fellow ADD'ERS. People that aren't ADD, but have family members that are, please read this story. My story actually began in 2nd grade. I had a problem with my Teacher. She said that I never finished my work, and never handed in my homework. My mother, thinking that the teacher was a bad teacher, switched me to a private school. In order to place me in the correct grade, I was tested. It was further determined that the grade that I would be placed in was Kindergarten. Little did I know that this would haunt me later on in life. After 5 years of that private school, my dad was transfered out west to Washington State. I found out the first day of school what I was up against. I already had 3 strikes against me. 1) I had a double name (J'aime Lou), 2) I was from a southern state (Virginia is seen as southern from Washington) 3) I was 1 to 2 years older than my classmates. The way that I survived through that year was I told everyone that my parents started me in school late. Little did I know that the ADD was the cause of it! 7th grade was the start of the real problem. I was tested again, but this time, they placed me in Special Education classes for the learning disabled. For a teenager that caused acceptance problems. When people found out that I was in Special Education classes, they labeled me "mentally retarded." The exception was my true friends that knew my situation and accepted me for what I was. Those people and my Special Education teachers moral support is what helped me through the dreaded Junior High school years. I would have to say that my first accomplishment was the result of a BIG crush on a boy in the band. I decided in my 2nd semester of 9th grade (that was still Junior High) that I wanted to join the band. I opted to play the drums. I practiced like crazy! By the time we filled out our High School registration, I knew that I would be a part of the High School band! Was I thrilled! Band was one of the major turning points of my life. I was still in Special Education classes, but I was accepted more from people. I also was able to pick my classes. BIG MISTAKE! I decided to be in a "normal" English class and even a "normal" Geometry class. By thinking it would be an easy transition, I headed for class. I failed both classes! I then started thinking I was "mentally retarded", like my junior high classmates thought that I was. After just barely graduating from High School, I decided to go to College. No luck there! I became a social butterfly because no one cared for once that I was "LD". I concentrated so much on making friends that my grades dropped to such a level that I finally had to drop out. I also had the classic problem that a lot of ADD'ERS have with jobs. I got bored! I usually lasted about 4 or 5 months before I would either get bored or get fired for "goofing" off. I would also call in sick, not because I was physically sick, but because I was mentally tired. My mind wouldn't work, therefore since I was also a perfectionist I wouldn't work if I couldn't give 100% to my job. The real turning point for me was in August of 1993. A Psychologist from my Employee Assistance Program, who'd I had been referred to see, brought up the Attention Deficit Disorder. She told me that she saw that I had some of the symtoms, and told me to read up on the subject. I then read Attention Deficit Disorder material like it was going out of style. The more that I read, the more bright the lightbulb in my head shined! I then found out through Thom Hartmanns book (THANKS THOM!), that there was an ADD Forum in Compuserve. I logged in and immediately became attached to it. I talked to more and more people about what they had gone through. The more I talked to people, the more I was convinced that I had ADD. I had tried to go to a few Psychiatrists, but none of them really had studied ADD, so I thought that I was sunk. I wrote a letter to everyone on the Forum, and I received a "reply" from Doug Everhart (HUGS DOUG!!!) telling me of a Psychiatrist from McLean, Virginia that diagnosed him in an hour. I made an appointment with him right away. On Friday, October 22, 1993 was the day that I finally found out that I have ADD. I was so thrilled! I am now taking Ritalin, which so far is working! ** THE END **